***The following Novel Writing Planner is meant to be customizable to fit your needs. The content contained within the various pages are examples of how you can use the planner. I recommend beginning with the “Plot” menu page under the “Table of Contents” - this is where you will create your outline, keep track of your chapter breakdowns, and update your progress. Once your outline is complete and you’ve calculated a word count goal, you can head on over to the “Writing Schedule” menu page under the “Table of Contents” - this is where you can create a writing schedule, keep track of deadlines, and update your word count progress as you write. Once these two menu pages are complete, you will have a fully functioning Novel Writing Planner that you can continue to reference & update during your writing process.
<aside> ✨ “No one else sees the world the way you do, so no one else can tell the stories that you have to tell.” - Charles de Lint
<aside> <img src="/icons/bookmark_gray.svg" alt="/icons/bookmark_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Table of Contents
<aside> <img src="/icons/list_gray.svg" alt="/icons/list_gray.svg" width="40px" /> To-Do List
<aside> <img src="/icons/note-sixteenth-beamed_gray.svg" alt="/icons/note-sixteenth-beamed_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Writing Playlists
<aside> <img src="/icons/computer_gray.svg" alt="/icons/computer_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Writing Schedule
<aside> <img src="/icons/photo-landscape_gray.svg" alt="/icons/photo-landscape_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Mood Board