***This is where you can keep track of all of the characters in your story. You can list them out in the table under the “Full Character List” section and then filter the “Character Cards” section to only showcase the main characters. Once a character is added to this list, they can then be added to specific chapters in your Outline on the “Plot” page - this makes it easier to keep track of who shows up when. The examples below are there to showcase different options within the “Full Character List” table and are only meant to be a jumping-off point. To get started, remove the examples and begin adding your characters - feel free to add and remove columns to fit your specific needs!
<aside> ✨ “First, find out what your hero wants, then just follow him!” - Ray Bradbury
<aside> <img src="/icons/card_gray.svg" alt="/icons/card_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Character Cards
<aside> <img src="/icons/groups_gray.svg" alt="/icons/groups_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Full Character List